9 September 2017
Mouse says “Thanks”: days 226 — 250
Okay, another not-planned break. Blame the Queer Film Fest, maybe, and blame the new job, which is still good and fun and WordPressy and hella challenging, but is not leaving me with much energy. I’d toyed with the idea of doing reviews as before, but turns out I couldn’t do that and my regular posts. […]
15 August 2017
Here comes the sun: days 221 — 225
In 2007 I was working at Accenture, and at some point it dawned on me I worked literally across the street from the Vancouver Public Library, and it might be fun to get a library card and check out some books. I don’t remember what else I read, but I do remember it took me […]
12 August 2017
PRIDE: days 216 — 220
It’s that time of year, and it’s been ages since I blogged about Pride. I think this resolution is really good for me! This weekend is always a bit rough for me; as a socially awkward introvert, it’s hard to look at everybody else having fun and partying without (a) wishing I could just join […]
7 August 2017
On fire: days 211 — 215
Jesus, this heatwave. The smoke wafting in from the Interior isn’t helping things either—kind of maybe cooling us down a tad, but the grey sky, orange sky and smell more than makes up for it. I don’t feel it’s quite as bad as the last time this happened two years ago, mind you. Most of […]
3 August 2017
Towers and burbs: days 206 — 210
It occurred to me a while ago that I was working almost right next door to a place where I worked in 2008 for about 8 months: Waterstreet Technologies, located on (you guessed it) Water Street in Gastown. I couldn’t remember the exact address but figured I’d recognise the place, so I went up and […]
29 July 2017
Too good to be true: days 201 — 205
Question: Is it that more interesting things are happening to me recently, or is that my new outlook on life is making me notice the interesting stuff more? It’s the chicken and the egg, Will. The chicken and the egg. It’s the same thing as photography, when I think about it. I remember being so […]
23 July 2017
The big Two Oh Oh: days 196 — 200
And here’s a milestone: 200 days of photos, at least one a day! Some days, way more than that of course. My blogging sort of fell by the wayside after coming back from Europe, but I’m back now! And I’m blogging about more than just photos, which I figured would happen eventually. Focusing on 5 […]

20 July 2017
My 2017 Queer Film Festival schedule
It’s that time of year again! Let’s see what’s out there… Thursday August 10 The opening gala, so there’s only one choice. It looks wonderful, though: dying indigenous languages, magical realism, and what looks like a deep meditation on cultures and communication? Yes please. Oh, and apparently there’s a long-lost love story between two guys, […]
17 July 2017
Crepes and nostalgia: days 191 — 195
“Happiness is”… You know, I haven’t used that word in a while, and really meant it. “Happy” is a big word, but I do feel… good. Better than I used to be. For the first time in a long while, I feel like my career is in motion, and with it, the rest of my […]
12 July 2017
In transition: days 186 — 190
I’m still feeling lost and unrooted. A new job, a more challenging job in many ways, but I know it’ll be so much more rewarding. Even now, I’m in a better than I was… but it’s still hard. Imposter syndrome was hitting me hard, and though it’s lessened, I don’t expect it’ll go away soon. […]
6 July 2017
The end of Canal Time and what came after: days 136 — 185
It’s been 50 days, folks. It’s been a weird 50 days. First, the last bit of our Europe trip: Day 136 was a tour of various Dutch towns: Delft, Rotterdam and The Hague. My special pic for that day was a look from the top of the New Church bell tower (New Church, started in […]
20 May 2017
The selfie: days 131 — 135
These five days cover the last couple days of our stay in Belgium and the first couple of our stay in the Netherlands. And I think they include some of the most amazing and memorable things I’ve seen in Europe. On May 11 we headed into the mountainous(ish) south, to the quaint little town of […]