Astronomical clock

The famous Astronomical Clock by City Hall in the Old Town Square. It’s a gorgeous piece of work, first installed in 1410, and horrendously complicated, showing (in the upper section) the current Zodiac sign, the current hour (Prague time, of course), whether or not we’re in night or day or twilight (whether the little sun widget is over the black, blue or red background), phases of the moon (with a little moon widget) and a bunch more things.

The lower section is a calendar, with fixed holidays and the names of 365 saints in a circle around the central face representing the 12 months or the year and also the Zodiac again because why not.

When it strikes the hour the 12 apostles parade in the two little windows at the top. I saw it a couple times, and there’s always a huge crowd with their smartphones and cameras. But it’s honestly kind of underwhelming? I had the impression there’d be a different apostle coming out for each hour, like with a cuckoo clock.

   8 May 2023
   1/640s    f/5.6   28mm   ISO 100
Prague Astronomical Clock